Certificate programs
The Guild offers two certificate programs which are independent learning with guidance from mentors.
Certificate of
Hand Spinning
The Certificate of Hand Spinning Course is designed for spinners who wish to elevate their spinning and fibre preparation skills via independent self-study. Individuals will foster habits that promote intentional spinning to create beautiful, predictable, fit-for-purpose yarns for textile production. This is not a course for beginners.
The course itself is now divided into 3 consecutive parts, and when all three are satisfactorily completed, the candidate will be awarded a Certificate of Hand Spinning.
The course components are:
Certificate I: Wool Fibre
Certificate II: Other Protein Fibres (alpaca, mohair and silk)
Certificate III: Cellulose Fibres (cotton, linen, and some further technical knowledge).
There are two intakes per year (closing dates May 31st and November 30th).
To find out more, please email learn@spinweavensw.org.
Here is a handy spinning sheet to help you understand your spinning better.

Certificate of
Hand Weaving
A self-directed, independent course of study in handweaving to encourage participation in weaving on shafted looms by helping candidates develop skills, work towards a knowledge of weave structures, develop original designs and produce excellent handwoven fabric.
The program is designed for weavers who have some experience in weaving on shafted looms.
Certificates are offered at four levels:
Foundation: 4 shaft weaves
Intermediate 8 shaft weaves
Advanced 8 or more shaft weaves
Masters in-depth study
The program is designed to be undertaken in order from
Foundation to Master, although you can apply to start at
a higher level.
Each level consists of exercises that are a mix of woven
pieces and associated documentation and written work,
which are assessed by a panel of experienced weavers.
You have up to two years to complete each level.
For more information:
Email: learn@spinweavensw.org