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The Hand Weavers and Spinners Guild of NSW Inc. (HWSG) is an association of artisans who practice handweaving, spinning and allied crafts. The Guild has been in operation for 76 years (since 1946): its constitution was adopted on 3 April 1948 with 68 Foundation Members.  The HSWG currently has over 225 direct members, with further outreach through 41 affiliated network groups across NSW, bringing the total membership to more than 1500.

Our vision is a supportive and inclusive community of skilled artisans that come together to celebrate textile crafts.  We aim to enrich our members' lives by enabling them to share their passion for these crafts and by providing opportunities for them to hone their current skills and develop new ones.

Our mission is to preserve the culture of hand weaving, spinning and associated crafts for future generations by:

  • Encouraging excellence in textile crafts.

  • Maintaining a repository of knowledge and expertise in traditional techniques.

  • Providing tuition and support for people who wish to explore their creativity through the practice of these crafts.

The HWSG encourages the development of all artistic crafts and has active links with a range of other similar associations and guilds both within NSW, interstate and overseas for the development of innovative works.

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